Thursday, October 18, 2012

I Love New Seasons

As Autumn rushes in like an unexpected guest, I find myself reflecting on the different seasons of life. The older I get the less I despise change. I've learned that a lot of growth can come through change. So, I'm really excited about the new season in my life and am believing God for awesome things for His glory. Even though I've walked with the Lord some 30 plus years I feel as though I've fallen in love with Him all over again for the first time. 

When I'm disappointed, He encourages. When I'm hurting, He comforts. When I'm crying, He holds me and wipes away my tears. When I feel like giving up, He's the silent fan in the sidelines cheering me on. When I'm overwhelmed, He strengthens me. When I feel useless, He reminds me the price He paid for me and how valuable He thinks I am. When I feel like a failure, He lifts me up and encourages me to try again better. When I feel unloved, He kisses me with the Presence of His Holy Spirit, When I've been hurt, He helps me forgive since I've been forgiven much. When I'm lonely, He visits me. All this to say, I've learned not to regret all the difficult/hurtful times but rather allow God to make beauty out of all those ashes. He is in the business of restoring broken, hurting hearts. I am living proof. 

~"It is true that you planned to do something bad to me. But really, God was planning good things. God’s plan was to use me....." Genesis 50:20